News Archives

  • 24
  • Jan2017

Arizona Culinary Institute Adds 2

Arizona Culinary Institute Adds 2
Arizona Culinary Institute has added 2 Instructors to is Faculty. Returning is Chef Jennifer Sedig, CEPC Chef Sedig will be teaching both Basic Baking and Advanced Baking for the PM Students.   2004 Alumni Chef James West will be teaching the Advanced Cuisine, du Jour Restaurant for the PM class. Please stop be the campus and

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  • 24
  • Jan2017

A Note from The Executive Chef January 2017

A Note from The Executive Chef January 2017
          Hello ACI family, and welcome to 2017!  We are back in full-swing here on campus and enjoying every second of it! We want to welcome all of our new day-program students that started on Monday, January 9th, and say how excited we are to start our new night-program students on Monday,

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  • 09
  • Dec2016

A Note From The Executive Chef November, December 2016

        Hello ACI family!  Welcome to the end of another fabulous year! I want to say congratulations to all of our students that graduated on Friday, December 2nd.  Graduation days are very proud days for us.  There’s such a great feeling in helping people open the door to their career and graduation is

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  • 27
  • Oct2016

A Note from ACI’s Executive Chef October 2016

October 2016, From The Executive Chef: Greetings everyone, and happy October! I hope the season is treating you well. This is about the time of year where business in The Valley is ramping-up again, and all the cooks and chefs out there have plenty to keep them busy! A quick recap of the Glenn Humphrey Memorial

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  • 29
  • Sep2016

A Note from ACI’s Executive Chef

A Note from ACI’s Executive Chef
Happy Fall everybody! We have survived another summer! It is so nice to finally feel the kitchens cooling down a little bit, and now we get to enjoy 8 months of amazing weather. The biggest thing on my mind right now is Saturday, October 15th. What’s happening that day you ask? Well, it’s our 2nd Annual

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