News Archives

  • 24
  • Jan2017

A Note from The Executive Chef January 2017

A Note from The Executive Chef January 2017
          Hello ACI family, and welcome to 2017!  We are back in full-swing here on campus and enjoying every second of it! We want to welcome all of our new day-program students that started on Monday, January 9th, and say how excited we are to start our new night-program students on Monday,

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  • 09
  • Dec2016

A Note From The Executive Chef November, December 2016

        Hello ACI family!  Welcome to the end of another fabulous year! I want to say congratulations to all of our students that graduated on Friday, December 2nd.  Graduation days are very proud days for us.  There’s such a great feeling in helping people open the door to their career and graduation is

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  • 27
  • Oct2016

A Note from ACI’s Executive Chef October 2016

October 2016, From The Executive Chef: Greetings everyone, and happy October! I hope the season is treating you well. This is about the time of year where business in The Valley is ramping-up again, and all the cooks and chefs out there have plenty to keep them busy! A quick recap of the Glenn Humphrey Memorial

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  • 29
  • Sep2016

A Note from ACI’s Executive Chef

A Note from ACI’s Executive Chef
Happy Fall everybody! We have survived another summer! It is so nice to finally feel the kitchens cooling down a little bit, and now we get to enjoy 8 months of amazing weather. The biggest thing on my mind right now is Saturday, October 15th. What’s happening that day you ask? Well, it’s our 2nd Annual

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  • 02
  • Sep2016

A Note From ACI’s Executive Chef

A Note From ACI’s Executive Chef
Hello ACI family. I feel honored, yet again, to have the opportunity to update you on all-things-Arizona-Culinary in this newsletter. We have plenty of things going on to talk about, but perhaps that can wait. For this month’s installment, I find myself in a period of reflection. As many of you probably know, ACI recently had

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