I’m 42 years old, and I’m not too proud to admit that as cliché as it sounds, “40” hit me like a ton of bricks. Long story short, I’m trying to slowly make some dietary changes because if I reach my ultimate goal of living forever, I should probably start to look a little closer at some of my dietary choices.
Anyway, one of the things I’ve been doing lately is starting to limit myself on some of the delicious baked goods put out for the 10:30 break every day at the school. I’ve been TRYING to limit myself to one item from the table each day. What was typical for me was to basically put one of everything on a plate and then inhale it as fast as I could while trying to set up my kitchen demos for the day. While it always tasted amazing, I wasn’t taking any time to actually ENJOY the food.
With my newly developed system, I look at everything out there and pick the one thing that truly looks the best to me on that day. Then, instead of eating it as fast as possible, I try to take a few minutes to legitimately enjoy it, taste it, and appreciate it. It’s truly amazing what a difference it makes. That one special item each day tastes so much better. I think my ultimate choice has to be the Chocolate Croissant. A warm croissant, fresh out of the oven, when the lamination is juuuuuuuust right, and the chocolate is still melty. Damn. Is there a more wonderful culinary experience?
It’s been nice to try to redevelop an appreciation for genuinely tasting each item. It makes each choice feel so much more special. I guess the point is, “take the time to actually enjoy your food!” We cook so much great stuff, and sometimes it’s just nice to take a second and reflect on how truly delicious it is. Sorry for the random rambling! I wasn’t sure what else to talk about. See ya next time!