Hello ACI family, and welcome to 2017! We are back in full-swing here on campus and enjoying every second of it!
We want to welcome all of our new day-program students that started on Monday, January 9th, and say how excited we are to start our new night-program students on Monday, January 30th. I never get tired of seeing enthusiastic new students on campus.
We have several new instructor faces on campus this year as well. Some of you that went through the program a few years ago may recognize Baking and Pastry instructor Jennifer Sedig has made a return back to ACI! We are very happy to have her on campus again. Also, 2004 ACI alumni James West has joined us part-time to teach Du Jour back-of-the-house for dinner service. And, in late 2016, we started Samantha Evans training in Management and Du Jour front-of-the-house, primarily as a PM instructor. All three of our new instructors have brought a lot of experience, knowledge, and enthusiasm to the school and we are very excited to add them to our team.
Du Jour is open for dinner service again, which is always exciting. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the best dinner deal around…especially if you’re a student or alumni and enjoy using your 50% off discount. As always, we serve on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 6:30-7:30pm. Calling ahead for reservations is STRONGLY recommended. Dinner service will be offered through mid-March, so come on over and give our students someone to cook for!
Lastly, I want to announce our next Open House which will be on Saturday, March 4th. I will be teaching a class on Modernist Cuisine/Molecular Gastronomy techniques. Liquid Nitrogen, Sous-vide, Spherification, foams, froths, powders, and more will all be covered. We will begin sign-ups about 1 month in advance, so secure your spot early. Chef Allison Newton will be teaching our Veteran Bootcamp class, and student volunteers are always appreciated for those events. Of course, we will have school tours, food, and Chef Instructors in the house as well. Stop in and say hi!
Thanks for taking the time to read this and catch up on what’s going on at ACI. See you next month!
Chef Christopher Wolf, CCC, CCE, CSW, CPI
Tags: aci, aci students, Arizona Culinary Institute, cake decorating, chef challenge, cooking schools, curriculum, fine dining restaurant, management class, wine tasting