Hello ACI Family!
It’s been quite a while since I’ve written one of these updates. In fact, prior to writing this one, I went back on my computer to look at the last one I wrote and it was dated June of 2020! If you were in the habit of reading my little ACI monthly updates, I apologize for the absence. But, I am resurfacing today with the hopes of getting back to the routine of writing every month. Most of the content of these updates is dedicated to letting you know about events on campus, open houses, extra-curricular classes, etc…..but we haven’t been doing any of those things. Our number one priority since the last update has probably been similar to yours: staying safe, keeping each other safe, and trying to operate our business in compliance with as many regulations as we possibly could.
I am very happy to report that we are still here, and things are running as smoothly as possible. As things gravitate back to normal, or at least some version of it, I hope to have more and more activities to update you on as we schedule things here on campus. But for now, we’re just going to keep it simple, and continue doing what we do best: teaching people how to cook.
From the bottom of my heart, I genuinely hope that you have all found ways to navigate the pandemic. Our industry looks a little different now, and I’m sure it will continue to look different for quite some time. But, during my 25 years in the hospitality industry, one of the many things I’ve learned is that the people in this field are strong, resourceful, and adaptable. I look forward to seeing the innovative ways you will find to push the foodservice industry forward. Until next time, “Happy cooking”.
From Christopher Wolf, ccc, cce, cpi, csi
Executive Chef Arizona Culinary Institute